ansheng’s blog!




  1. Shell元字符,由Linux Shell进行解析;
  2. 正则表达式元字符,由vi/grep/sed/awk等文本处理工具进行解析;


$ alias grep='grep --color=auto'



$ cat re-file
I had a lovely time on our little picnic.
Lovers were all around us. It is springtime. Oh
love, how much I adore you. Do you know
the extent of my love? Oh, by the way, I think
I lost my gloves somewhere out in that field of
clover. Did you see them?  I can only hope love.
is forever. I live for you. It's hard to get back in the


$ cat linux.txt
Linux is a good 
god assdxw bcvnbvbjk
greatttttt  wexcvxc
operaaaating  dhfghfvx
gooodfs awrerdxxhkl
gdsystem awxxxx


元字符 功能  
^ 以什么开头  
$ 以什么结尾  
. 匹配一个字符  
* 匹配0个或多个  
[] 匹配集合中的  
[x-y] 匹配集合范围内的  
[^ ] 匹配不在集合中的  
\ 转义 'love\.'
元字符 功能 实例 怎么匹配
\< 以什么开头 '\<love' 匹配以love开头的所有行
\> 以什么结尾 'love\>' 匹配love结尾的所有行
\(..\) 标签匹配以后使用的字符 '\(love\)able \1er' 用位置\1\2引导前面做好的标签,最大支持9个
x\{m\} or x\{m,\} or x\{m,n\} 重复字符x,m次,至少m次,至少m且不超过n次 o\{5,10\} o字符重复5到10次的行
元字符 说明
+ 重复前一个字符一个或一个以上
| 表示或,查找多个字符串
() 分组过滤匹配


$ grep '^love' re-file
love, how much I adore you. Do you know
$ grep 'love$' re-file
clover. Did you see them?  I can only hope love.
$ grep 'l..e' re-file
I had a lovely time on our little picnic.
love, how much I adore you. Do you know
the extent of my love? Oh, by the way, I think
I lost my gloves somewhere out in that field of
clover. Did you see them?  I can only hope love.
is forever. I live for you. It's hard to get back in the
$ grep ' *love' re-file
I had a lovely time on our little picnic.
love, how much I adore you. Do you know
the extent of my love? Oh, by the way, I think
I lost my gloves somewhere out in that field of
clover. Did you see them?  I can only hope love.
$ grep '[Ll]ove' re-file  # 对l不区分大小写
I had a lovely time on our little picnic.
Lovers were all around us. It is springtime. Oh
love, how much I adore you. Do you know
the extent of my love? Oh, by the way, I think
I lost my gloves somewhere out in that field of
clover. Did you see them?  I can only hope love.
$ grep '[A-Z]ove' re-file
Lovers were all around us. It is springtime. Oh
$ grep '[^A-Z]' re-file
I had a lovely time on our little picnic.
Lovers were all around us. It is springtime. Oh
love, how much I adore you. Do you know
the extent of my love? Oh, by the way, I think
I lost my gloves somewhere out in that field of
clover. Did you see them?  I can only hope love.
is forever. I live for you. It's hard to get back in the
$ grep 'love\.' re-file
clover. Did you see them?  I can only hope love.
$ grep '^$' re-file
$ grep '.*' re-file
I had a lovely time on our little picnic.
Lovers were all around us. It is springtime. Oh
love, how much I adore you. Do you know
the extent of my love? Oh, by the way, I think
I lost my gloves somewhere out in that field of
clover. Did you see them?  I can only hope love.
is forever. I live for you. It's hard to get back in the
$ grep 'o\{2,4\}' re-file
$ grep 'o\{2,\}' re-file
$ grep 'o\{,2\}' re-file
I had a lovely time on our little picnic.
Lovers were all around us. It is springtime. Oh
love, how much I adore you. Do you know
the extent of my love? Oh, by the way, I think
I lost my gloves somewhere out in that field of
clover. Did you see them?  I can only hope love.
is forever. I live for you. It's hard to get back in the
$ egrep "go+d" linux.txt
Linux is a good
god assdxw bcvnbvbjk
gooodfs awrerdxxhkl
ansheng@Ubuntu:/tmp$ egrep "go?d" linux.txt
god assdxw bcvnbvbjk
gdsystem awxxxx
$ egrep "gd|good" linux.txt
Linux is a good
gdsystem awxxxx
$ egrep "g(la|oo)d" linux.txt
Linux is a good